Dimension #5 - 6,8 m3x, installation view, Vyksa/Russia (2021)

The DIMENSION Series was the project I developed during my one month residency at VYKSA AIR in the Nizhny Novgorod region, 400km from Moscow.
I scouted the various beautiful landscapes of the city and its surroundings, studying and recording its constructive idiosyncrasies in the pursuit of its natural and artificial identities to set a higher level of action of existence.

My goal was to capture this identity element and create a constructive piece that would be accessible for spectators to visit as part of the public art campaign on a site-specific location.

At all the locations we visited, the “izbushka” was a very strong and peculiar presence, I could not forget that during my train ride to Vyksa I could see an amazing sculptural landscape through my window…for miles, dark man-made triangular shapes would emerge through the different natural contexts, creating an unique landscape. Later on, I discovered these traditional shapes where rare to find because the globalization brought new Izbas built with different roof shapes and materials.

This is how “Dimension#5 – 6,8 m3x” was created: a permanent installation mimesis and synthesis of a Russian izba’s wooden roof, prepared for the weight of snow in winter and with appropriate ventilation for the summer breeze. It is a distinctive triangular black wooden art installation as an homage and a philosophical look at our understanding of the greatness of the artificial universe, as well as an artistic-scale vision of ordinary primary elements in nature.

Alongside the installation, the artist also presented a photographic work of the piece in another location. The two artworks, displayed separately, are in dialogue with each other and will encourage spectators to visit both locations - uniquely experiencing the physical installation, in its carefully selected location, and its photographic “memory” at the Vyksa Museum.

Dimension #5 Public installation and guided tour with the artist. Vyksa, Russia (2021) ©Mitry Grankov

Dimension #5 displayed in the VYKSA MUSEUM among the 18th century Landscape paintings. Vyksa, Russia (2021) ©Yulya Shmeleva

Dimension #5, documental video (2021)
Video by ©Pedro Covas